Wednesday 17 August 2016

Sekolah Penerbangan

Well!!!!! Haiii guys, aku mau berbagi cerita nih tentang pengalaman sekolah penerbangan. Tepatnya di jurusan Staff Airlines atau bisa disebut Ground Staff atau juga Ground Handling. Kalau bahasa di bandaranya adalah Staff Passasi.
Setiap perjalanan pasti ada enak dan nggak enaknya. Aku kira waktu itu cuma sekedar enjoy aja dan gak ada tugas. Tp ternyata ada banyak tugas dan banyak ujian. Bener bener bikin kepala pusing. Saya notabene adalah cewek kelaki-lakian. Dan di sekolah penerbangan ini dituntut untuk bersikap manis, cantik tentunya cewek banget.
Sekian dulu guys curhatan Kali ini. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk kalian-kalian yang akan/mau masuk ke sekolah penerbangan.
See you next time in the next story again....

Tuesday 21 June 2016


          Sepasaran adalah hitungan waktu yang lamanya 7 hari dalam tradisi Jawa untuk bayi yang baru lahir. Di dalam sepasaran ini orang tua bayi menyelenggarakan selamatan atau syukuran yang diadakan waktu si bayi berumur 7 hari. Tetapi jika si bayi sudah pupak atau yang bisa disebut tali pusar bayi sudah putus maka bisa diadakaan selamatan, meskipun belum ada 7 hari. Jikalau selama 7 hari lebih belum pupak juga maka boleh diadakan sepasaran atau selamatan. 
Di dalam tradisi jawa ketika ada tetangga kita melahirkan maka para tetangga mengadakan jagong bayi atau mengunjungi bayi. Maksudnya adalah semua orang bersuka cita menyambut si bayi. Menyatakan ucapan selamat kepada keluarga yang baru melahirkan. Pihak rumah juga meyiapkan makanan atau jajanan untuk menyambut para tamu, dan tamu-tamu yang datang juga membawa sesuatu seperti uang maupun beras. Entah di padesaan atau perkotaan. Mungkin kalau di kota lain caranya. Dan setelah itu orang yang jagong bayi mendapat bingkisan saat pulang nanti dan boleh makan-makanan yang disediakan oleh tuan rumah. 
         Pada malam sepasaran banyak orang yang datang khususnya laki-laki guna untuk mendoakan di bayi, dan dalam sepasaran ini bayi diberikan nama. Didalam kepercayaan orang jawa, sebelum acara dimulai dari pagi sampai acara si bayi ditidurkan dalam pangkuan karna menjadi incaran roh jahat yang biasa disebut sarap sawan. Oleh karena itu bayi dijaga dengan cara dipangku.
Adapun makanan yang harus ada saat keperluan sepasaran adalah
  1. Nasi tumpeng yang terdiri dari kulupan (sayur-mayur yang diaduk dengan bumbu dnegan campuran kelapa yang sudah diparut), laup pauk, sambal goreng, telor rebus, ayam, lodheh kluwih.
  2. Pisang raja
  3. Jajanan pasar seperti kue dan bauh-buahan
  4. bubur merah, bubur putih, jenang sengkolo yaitu bubur merah yang atasnya diberi sedikit nasi putih.
        Tidak hanya itu dalam acara selamatan ada hala yang perlu dipersiapkan yaitu gunting, bunga kenanga, mawar, air dan parfum. Gunanya untuk mengusap kepala si bayi dengan harum yang semerbak dan memotong sedikit si bayi. Setelah selesai acara air yang berisi bunga kenanga, mawar dan parfum disiramkan tepat diatas dimana batur dikubur. Tujuannya adalah supanya segar. 

Gallery gambar sepasaran

Pertama Kali Mengenal Internet

     Sejarah awal saya menggunakan internet bahkan masih mengenal internet adalah waktu saya masih SMP. Kelas satu SMP. Baru pertama kali melihat yang mnamanya komputer, mouse, keyboard, CPU dan kawan-kawannya yang berasa asing. Saya benar-benar tidak tahu mengenai itu sebelumnya. Kalau bahasa gaulnya itu udik. Selama SMP saya benar-benar gaptek. Saya takut menggunakan perangkat komputer. Sampai-sampai guru mata pelajaran TIK saya menegur saya supaya saya tidak takut menggunakan komputer. Termasuk meng klik klik apa yang ada di dekstop. Waktu itu saya takut karena takut kalau saya salah pencet akan terjadi kerusakan. Saya juga tidak ada keinginan untuk pergi ke warnet karena waktu itu di daerah saya belum ada warnet. Ada sih.. tapi sangat jauh dan waktu itu juga belum ada tugas tugas yang menggunakan komputer seperti waktu SMA. Saya menjadi tidak gaptek waktu SMA karena sudah mengetahui tentang komputer dan internet sebelumnya. Karena waktu SMA banyak tugas mencari bahan pelajaran di internet. Sering juga maen ke warnet dan akhirnya kenallah saya dengan media sosial yang bernama friendster. Dengan menggunakan frienster saya menjadi bisa membuat akun pribadi untuk mencari teman. Dan ternyata bermain internet itu nggak susah. Jika mau membuat akun tinggal mengikuti step by step yang disarankan saja. Jikalau tidak tahu websitenya tinggal mencari saja lewat google. Lama kelamaan saya menjadi ketagihan untuk mengakses media sosial tersebut, karena menurut saya desainnya bagus dan saya bisa melakukan banyak hal di friendster contohnya saja saya bisa mendengarkan musik, memposting foto, dll. 

     Seiiring berjalannya waktu, muncullah Facebook sebuah aplikasi yang didirikan oleh Mark Zuckerberg. Tetapi untuk mendaftar Facebook, diharuskan mempunyai email dahulu. Akhirnya saya bertanya kepada teman saya yang ahli dengan internet. Akhirnya dia menjelaskan dan menyuruh saya untuk membuat email dengan Yahoo. Kala itu saya tidak tahu apa itu Yahoo. Tetapi saya tetap membuat akun Yahoo agar saya bisa mempunyai facebook. Akhirnya saya berhasil membuat akun di Yahoo dan meneruskan untuk mendaftar Facebook. Kala itu saya sangat senang menggunakan Facebook. Saya bisa berteman dengan banyak orang melalui Facebook. Tidak hanya Facebook saya juga mencicipi fasilitas lain seperti Yahoo messenger yang dimana kita bisa chatting dan video call, twitter tetaoi saya tidak berlama-lama menggunakannya karena saya tidak paham menggunakan twitter. Bahkan sampai sekarang, Skype, dan masih banyak lagi. Ada banyak manfaat yang bisa saya rasakan ketika saya mengenal internet. Saya bisa mendapatkan informasi yang tidak bisa saya dapatkan dari orang-orang disekitar saya. Hanya dengan mengetik keyword atau kata kunci yang kita inginkan di google, google bisa menemukan apa yang kita cari hanya dengan satu klik dan  dengan hitungan detik. Tidak hanya itu, saya juga  dapat berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang yang berada jauh dari saya bahkan dari belahan dunia lain. Hal ini sangat berpengaruh positif untuk saya karena saya sekolah di jurusan bahasa inggris. Sangat cocok untuk improve bahasa inggris saya. Sangat mudah sekali untuk menemukan user asing dan kita ajak bicara. Dan yang paling penting adalah saya belajar banyak hal dari internet. Dengan adanya internet hidup saya lebih berwarna, Dengan adanya google saya bisa mendaptkan banyak hal, mengetahui hal yang saya tidak tahu sebelumnya dan bisa mengetahu hal yang paling update.  

Thursday 9 June 2016


Title                            : Beastly
Author                        : Alex Flinn
Number of Pages       : 409

At the Buckeston Academy High School, the wealthy, arrogant, narcissistic and bigoted Kyle Kingsbury is a student who does not respect his classmate. When Kyle is elected representative of the students, he plays a prank on the outcast Kendra who has reputation as a witch. Kyle invites her to a party and humiliates her in front of their classmate. However Kendra curses him with a spell that makes Kyle as ugly as his soul. Further, she tells him that if he does not find anyone who loves him within two years, he will be doomed to that appearance forever. When Kyle’s father, Rob Kingsbury sees him, he takes Kyle to specialist but the doctors do not know what to do, so Rob hides Kyle in an apartment with a maid and a blind tutor. When Kyle sees his mate Lindy on the streets, he saves her from a dangerous drug dealer and brings her to his apartment to protect her. Kyle quickly changes his attitude because of the situation. He can see that he loves Lindy Taylor, a classmate to whom he never paid any attention in three years of going to the same school. Kyle adopts the name Adrian and he tries to win Lindy‘s heart but she’s not like the other girls who are wooed by his wealth. Some days since Lindy stay with Kyle in his apartment, Lindy feels something that she loves Kyle. When Kyle and Lindy hang out together, Lindy gets message that her father overdose and is in hospital. She decided to leave Kyle for her father. Before Lindy departs to Machu Pichu she said that she loves Adrian. At that moment nothings happen to Kyle. Kyle goes out, suddenly he turns to normal and handsome self again, some minutes Lindy run and looking out Adrian but she cannot find him and ignore Kyle his classmate who is arrogant. Lindy calls Adrian’s phone and it’s on Kyle pocket. Kyle explains what happen with him to Lindy. Realizing that Kyle was Adrian, Lindy believes what the love is.

1.1              PLOT
1.1.1         The Beginning
Kyle Kingsbury is rich, handsome and popular. Kyle Kingsbury is a high school senior at prestigious Buckston Academy High School in New York City. He knows that he is wealthy and good-looking based on the tenets of Rob Kingson, his wealthy, good-looking and self-absorbed news anchor fatherKyle believes those traits get one everything in life. Although Kyle is generally idolized by his classmates, there are the few who want to see him brought down a notch or three because of his vainglorious attitude, and chief amongst them is Kendra.
1.1.2 The middle
Kyle Kingsbury is a student at Buckston Academy High School. He is the most handsome, popular and multitalented. He has girlfriend named Sloane. When Kyle is elected representative of the students, he plays prank with Kendra who has a reputation as a witch. After the representative of the student he is argue with Kendra and ridicule Kendra in front of the students.
Kyle invites Kendra in the dance party. Kendra accepts Kyle’s invitation. Kyle has bad plan to Kendra but Kendra still come in the dance party. At the dance party, all students come to that event include Kendra. Kyle knows Kendra comes and he humiliates Kendra in front of their classmate. Kyle feels happy because he can humiliate Kendra. 
After dance party, Kyle feel dizzy and he ask Sloane to go back home. After arrive at home Kyle sleep in his room suddenly Kendra was come. Kyle was shock and asks why she was here. Kendra talk Kyle’s attitude since he was little. After that Kendra curses him with a spell that makes Kyle ugly as his soul. He starts turn into a beast.
1.1.3    The End
Falling action
Almost 2 years Kyle still cannot find his true love. Even there is Lindy; he doesn’t believe that Lindy loves him. Lindy also leaves him to see her dad in hospital. Before Lindy goes Kyle gives her a letter but when Lindys call Kyle, he doesn’t pick up her call.
According to Will and Magda, Kyle goes to meet Lindy before she departs to see her father. Kyle explains to Lindy why he didn’t pick up her calls because he thought that she just like him as friend. Lindy professes his love and kisses him.
1.1.2         Plausibility
-          Kendra curses Kyle to be a beast. He becomes an animal or it may call monster.
1.1.3         Surprise
-          Kyle finds his photo on Lindy’s laptop when he enters Lindy’s room. Lindy’s forgot to turn off her laptop so, when Kyle enters her room he can see that.
-          When Kyle and Sloane kissed, Sloane didn’t know that Kyle turn to be beast because he wear jacket which can hide his head.
1.1.4     Suspense
-          Kendra gives Kyle a mirror. A magic mirror.
-          A beast who like gardening. He likes roses and he makes greenhouse to plant roses.
-          Kyle wants to meet Lindy but he didn’t care about his self. He run without hidden and he was in subway station, trains and all people screams.
1.2              Character
1.      Kyle Kingsbury (round, major, protagonist)
Character traits found
·         Arrogant
Kyle Kingsbury is an arrogant people. Kyle Kingsbury  is a high school senior at prestigious Buckston Academy High School in New York City. He knows that he is wealthy and good-looking and based on the tenets of Rob Kingson, his wealthy, good-looking and self-absorbed news anchor fatherKyle believes those traits get one everything in life. Proof: I examined the ballot. Not only was my name, Kyle Kingsbury there for ninth-grade-prince but I was sure the winner. No one compete with my looks and my dad’s cash.
2.      Lindy Taylor (round, major,  protagonist)
Character traits found
·         Quiet girl
Lindy Taylor is a student who gets scholarship at the Buckston Academy High School. She is a quiet girl. She does not have friends. She meets Kyle at the party and Kyle gives her a rose.   She lives in a bad environment. Her father is a drunkard but she still loves her father. Proof:  When, in fact, I didn’t think it was all rough. What’s rough is being a scholarship student at school like tuttle Prep. I came here because I thought there’d be more people like me, aka studios nerds, people who would relate to me. In fact, no one does. Being poor seem to be an insurmountable barrier around here. It’s not like people totally shun me. It’s more subtle than that. They’ll sit with me at lunch or study with me, but I have no close friends… well other than teachers.
3.      Kendra Hilferty (round,minor, protagonist)
Character traits found
·         Cruel
Kendra is a witch. She is not a student at Buckston Academy High School. She is caring about Kyle. She had caring for long time but Kyle did not notice that. She has a good mission. She wants change Kyle to be better. So that, she spell to Kyle that make Kyle looks like monster. Exactly, Kendra noticed Kyle before to change his attitude but Kyle did not respect about that. He just ignores Kendra words. Proof: I told you comeuppance. You will know what it is like not to be beautiful, to be as ugly on the outside as the inside. If you learn the lesson well, you may be able to undo my spell. If not, you will live with your punishment forever.  “You can kill me” she said. I will simply move on to new form, perhaps a bird or a fish or a lizard and changing you back isn’t up to me. It’s up to you”.
·         Kind
Even she teases Kyle but she still has a good heart. After she teases Kyle she becomes Kyle’s Maid as Magda. She helps Kyles at the apartment and take care if Kyle. She is the one who responsible with his spell. Proof: Kendra rolled her eyes, “So they said I would stay with him forever, in the form of that same family servant.”
“Magda?” I got it. “ So Magda isn’t real?”
“She’s real.” With a wave of her hand. Kendra transformed. Now she was Magda. “She is I, I am she.”
4.      Magda (round, protagonist)
Character traits found
·         Kind, hard worker
She is a maid. When Kyle’s father sends Kyle to the new apartment, Magda also follow Kyle. She helps Kyle to be normal and sometime give advice to Kyle to change his attitude. Magda also helps Kyle to win Lindy’s heart. Proof: The next month, I moved. My father brought a brownstone in Brooklyn and informed me we were moving there. Magda packed my stuff no help from me
5.      Will Fratalli (round, protagonist)
Character traits found
·         Kind, friendly, care
Rob Kingsbury send tutor to Kyle apartment. He is Will Fratalli. He is blind. At that moment Kyle angry to his dad and try to call his dad but there is no answer. Will doesn’t teach Kyle about schoolwork but he becomes Kyle friends. He becomes closer with Kyle. He gives a book to Kyle. That’s book story is same with Kyle condition. Will feel happy because Kyle likes that book and Kyle can accept his condition slowly. He also tells Kyle how to plant roses. From that way, Kyle loves roses. Proof: I like gardening and the way roses smell. I got tired of you moping around with the curtains drown. I thought maybe a garden might cheer things up.
·         Powerful
Even he is blind. He can accept his life and continue his life better. He can do everything by himself even he is blind. Kyle was shock when he knows that. Will always gives advice to Kyle and gives new thing to Kyle. He gives so many lessons to Kyle about life. Will has a good heart and he is opening minded. He want Kyle change his attitude and get his love so, he can be normal to be handsome self. Proof: I wasn’t always blind. When I was little, my grandmother had a rose garden. She showed me how to tend them. “A rose can change your life”, she used to say. “Thanks for sympathy, but don’t go all lifetime channel on me.”
6.      Mr. Kingsbury (flat, minor, protagonist)
Character traits found
·         Prestige
Rob Kingsbury is Kyle’s father. He is a wealthy, good-looking and self absorbed. He is also news anchor. He hides Kyle because Kyle was ugly and he is embarrassed if anyone knows him. He bought new apartment for Kyle and look for maid to accompanied Kyle. He also never visits Kyle. Proof:  My father hated me. He didn’t even want me in the same house with him.
·         Care
He still care with Kyle even he hides Kyle. He gives all what Kyle’s wanted. Proof: “Kyle, I know you don’t want to be there, but really it’s for the best. I’ve tried to make you comf –”
“You dumped me here.”
“I’m doing what’s best for you, I’m protecting you from people staring, from people who’d try to use this to their advantage and –”
“Kyle, this conversation is over.”
“No, it’s not. Don’t you hang up on me! If you do, I’ll go to NBC and give them an interview. I swear to God I’ll go right now.”
That stopped him. “What is it you want, Kyle?”
“What things, Kyle?”
“I need a computer with Internet. I know you’re worried I’ll do something crazy like tell the press to come over here and take my picture.” Tell them I’m your son. “But I won’t – not if you do what I ask. I just want to be able to see the world still, and maybe… I don’t know, maybe join an e-group or something.” This sounded so lame I almost had to cover my ears against its patheticness.
“Okay, okay, I’ll work on it
1.3              SETTING
1.3.1         Geographical Location
New York City
The place takes in New York City. Proof: Sometime, when you’re walking in New York, probably anywhere but especially in New York because it’s so crowded, you see these people….
1.3.2         Day-to-day existence
The occupation of the characters in this novel is students. Kyle Kingsbury and Lindy Taylor are students. Proof: It was the last month before the end of ninth grade. The substitute teacher was giving out ballots for spring dance court, something I’d normally have thought was lame.
1.3.3         Time
-          Morning
Proof: Sunday morning, the picture I chose was Linda Owens. She looked familiar. Then I realized it was the girl from the dance, the one I’d given the rose to who’d gotten so jacked up about it, the one who’d gotten me my second chance.
-          Rainy
Proof: Later, in the gym, I saw the witch again. We were running the indoor track, but she wasn’t. She hadn’t dressed out but was still wearing the black flowing clothes from before. She sat on a bench below the skylight. Above her, the sky was dark. It was going to rain.
-          At night
Proof: Around nine, I was watching the Yankees kick butt when I heard Dad’s key in the lock. That was weird. Most nights, Dad was out until I went to bed.
1.3.4         Environment
-          School
The first story in this novel starts from school where the conflict between Kyle is and Kendra began. Proof: its ninth grade dance ballot. “ Kingsbury!” coach yelled. If you’re through, you can get out the basketballs.”
-          Apartment garden.
Will likes roses so, he plant rose at the balcony. He also tells Kyle what is the meaning of a rose. Proof: “Kyle, is that you?” His voice comes from garden”
-          Dance party at Plaza
In the dance party Lindy meet Kyle when he enters room. Kyle gives her a rose because Sloane doesn’t want that rose. It also can broken rose because Sloane broke it. Proof: “beautiful?”. It’s a rose. I said an orchid. Orchid. Are you so stupid you don’t know what an orchid is?”   Sloane was angry
“pretty flower.” She said. I looked at girl. She didn’t look like she belonged to Plaza. She must have been scholarship student. Obviously, no one had asked her to dance or ever bought her flowers not even a cheap, broken rose. So, I give a rose in my hand to her because I know no one want gives her a flower.
1.4              Point Of View
-          First Person
This novel uses first person in point of view. The narrator in this story is Kyle. Proof: I could feel everyone looking at me, but I was use to it. On e thing my dad taught me early and often was to act like nothing moved me. When you’re special, like we were, people were bound to notice.
-          Omniscient
The narrator, Kyle knows about everything. He can enter the mind of any character and tell the readers directly what the character is thinking. Proof: I watched Dad’s face. My father was a news guy, so he was really good at keeping a straight face even when he was BS-ing. But even Dad couldn’t help the twitch his lips gave when he said, “Of course, Kyle. I’ll never stop trying.”
1.5              STYLE AND TONE
1.5.1         Style
·         Diction
This novel use Denotation such as face, ugly, beautiful, etc. Beastly by Alex Flinn is Beauty and the Beast in modern era. This novel is simply to understand and this novel is suitable for teenager.
·         Imagery
The writer use literal images such as broken rose.
·         Syntax
Simple sentences: “An old guy”.
                                                      “ What’s with the roses”.
                                                      “ I don’t smell anything”
     Complex Sentences:
    “ The roses that had brought back such a strong memory were white.
     Compound Sentences:
-        Magda made my meals and left them for me, but I only came out if I heard her vacuuming in a different part of the house, or if she went out.
-        She filled the kettle and placed it on the stove.
-        In back of the bedroom was a garden area so bare and brown I almost expected tumbleweeds.
-          The walls had been freshly painted, but I could see an outline where a mirror had been unscrewed and spackled over.
a.       le Style
The story “Beastly” in this novel uses scenic and panoramic. In the first time, the author use panoramic scene and then using scenic.
1.6.1         Scenic
“ Hey Kyle, your name’s on this”. My friend Trey Parker flicked my arm
“ No, duh.”
“ My name’s there too” Trey flicked my arm again.
“ Hey, watch it” I rubbed my arm
These parts uses scenic because before this part is description. It will awkward if there is no dialog.
1.6.2         Panoramic
I could feel everyone looking at me, but I was use to it. One thing my dad taught me early and often was to act like nothing moved me. When you’re special, like we were, people were bound to notice.

1.7              THEME
1.      Love
Beastly is one of love story. I found love theme from Kyle Kingsbury and Lindy Taylor. At the first sight Lindy Tylor loves Kyle who is arrogant student in the school. Lindy didn’t hate Kyle because his attitude. She saw there is small hole in Kyle’s heart that he is not arrogant. After Kendra spell and his father hide him with a maid and blind tutor. In the other hand Lindy hate Kyle because he was separates her with her fathers. Lindy didn’t know that he is Kyle because Kyle changes his name to be Adrian. Time by time, Kyle was so close with Lindy and Kyle falling in love with Lindy. Proof: At the end of the day, Lindy removed the green dress and folded it back into its box. But that night, I snuck upstairs by moonlight and secretly carried the dress downstairs with me. I put it under my pillow. The faint smell of her perfume was clear to my animal senses, and I remembered reading that smell is the sense most connected with memory. I slept with that dress by my face and dreamed of holding her, of having her want me to. It was impossible. She’d said I was her friend.
2.      Struggle
This novel is also about struggle. It found in Kyle. He fights with drunkard to save Lindy. He doesn’t care with people around him. He doesn’t care with what he look like monster. He just thinks that he has to save Lindy. He fights with drunkard and he loses because the drunkard use knife and it exact Kyle’s stomach. When someone was falling in love he/she would do anything to her/his partner moreover when our partner got problem or in a dangerous situation. Proof: I was running now, not even thinking, into the street. No cabs in sight, and I knew none would pick me up. So I dashed toward the subway station I’d watched so often, but hadn’t entered in over a year, still holding the mirror. The street was bright with the full moon and the streetlights, and though it was late, I pushed through a crowd of people heading in the opposite direction on the sidewalk.I saw the man. I tried to make for him, to go after him and bite him as I had before. But my whole body felt numb and tingling, heavy, as if I already had died. I saw Lindy lunge for the gun on the floor. Then, struggling, four hands grabbing for one object. Gunfire, glass shattering. Then the shadow ran for the door.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Soekarno’s Library and Museum

Soekarno’s library located at Kalasan Street number 01 Blitar.  Bung Karno’s libarary was legitimate by Megawati Soekarnoputri on July 13, 2004. The historical background why was Soekarno’s library was built. The first is Historical aspect. Blitar is friendly with the spirit of existence hero Aryo Blitar, Sudanco and Bung Karno. The library is very familiar with the field of Bung Karno, during his lifetime he was a very prolific writer with brilliant ideas and thoughts. The second is ideological aspect. The last is empirical aspect. Soekarno’s library is development complements with Bung Karno's grave which developed into a tourist attraction at regional, national and international. Bung Karno's library to meet the intellectual needs of all sections of society to continue the struggle in realizing its goals in the future. At Soekarno’s library we can found a variety of collections such as special collections, reference collections, periodicals, general collection, a collection of children and adolescents, a collection of non-book in Soekarno’s Museum, a collection of audio-visual and internet.

In Soekarno Museum we can see Soekarno’s picture, Sokarno’s clothes, Money with Soekarno’s picture, Soekarno’s painting and Soekarno’s life painting. Soekarno’s life painting is an interesting thing to see. When we see the painting from side, the painting like alive man.
Existing facilities at the Bung Karno library is an audio-visual room, a seminar room and amphitheater.

Amphitheater is use for performing art and culture. For example the event that hold in Amphitheater are Traditional Dance by Junior High School Blitar, Theater by Senior High School Blitar, etc. Besides that we can found Internet facilities, audio visual room and hall for seminars are also provided. Blitar city since orde baru often associated with name of Bung Karno because, it is big and Blitar city is famous for its historical value such as word Bung Karno’s “Jas Merah” means you should never leave history or we can say in Indonesia “Jas Merah” jangan lupakan sejarah (Don'forget history).


I’m unashamed of my mistakes
I walked the path I had to take
It’s made me who I am today
This reign of hate is done
We’re gonna take this over now
And we’ve only just begun

Here I am
This is all of me
I’m not hiding
I’m standing tall for all to see

Here I am
There is nothing bigger
Nothing brighter than a future I see

So if you find it hard to breathe
You can put your faith in me
I’ll be the light that leads your way
We are the voice of a generation
So take your chance and don’t back down

Here I am
This is all of me
I’m not hiding
I’m standing tall for all to see

Here I am
There is nothing bigger
Nothing brighter than a future I see

Take this chance
Take a stand
Take this chance
Don’t back down

Here I am
This is all of me
I’m not hiding
I’m standing tall for all to see

Here I am
There is nothing bigger
Nothing brighter than a future I see

So take this chance
Don’t back down
Take a stand And never let them bring you down
So take this chance
Don’t back down
And never let them bring you down


Aku berjalan di jalan yang ku ambil
Ini menjadikanku siapa diriku hari ini
Perintah kebencian ini telah dilakukan
Kita akan mengambil ini lebih sekarang
Dan kita baru saja memulai

Aku disini
Ini semuanya dari diriku
Aku tak bersembunyi
Aku berdiri tegak untuk semua untuk dilihat

Aku disini
Tak ada yang lebih besar
Tak ada yang lebih terang dari masa depan yang ku lihat

Jadi jika kau merasa sulit untuk bernapas
Kau bisa menaruh kepercayaanmu padaku
Aku akan menjadi cahaya yang menuntun jalanmu
Kita adalah suara generasi
Jadi ambil kesempatanmu dan jangan mundur

Aku disini
Ini semuanya dari diriku
Aku tak bersembunyi
Aku berdiri tegak untuk semua untuk dilihat

Aku disini
Tak ada yang lebih besar
Tak ada yang lebih terang dari masa depan yang ku lihat

Ambil kesempatan ini
Ambil sikap
Ambil kesempatan ini
Jangan mundur

Aku disini
Ini semuanya dari diriku
Aku tak bersembunyi
Aku berdiri tegak untuk semua untuk dilihat

Aku disini
Tak ada yang lebih besar
Tak ada yang lebih terang dari masa depan yang ku lihat

Jadi ambil kesempatan ini
Jangan mundur
Ambil sikap dan tak pernah membiarkan mereka membawamu jatuh
Jadi ambil kesempatan ini
Jangan mundur
Dan tak pernah membiarkan mereka membawamu jatuh